June 29, 2011

Toxic Bish + NOSOTR@S + D!va + Flax Pye + Wicked Tattoos

top: Toxic Hottie Bish {white} @ Toxic Bish - Midnight Mania (group tag)
pants: .::NOSOTR@S::. SNH {Female} - L$0
hair: D!va - lucky board
FP :: AMSTERDAM :: Exclusive Shoes by Flax Pye :: G002 - group gift (L$250 fee)
!::Wicked Tattoos::i - Vultures Tattoo - Midnight Mania

June 28, 2011

Haute' & Bothered Couture

outfit w/hair: *Haute' & Bothered Cleopatra - Gente, ganhei essa roupa divina na MM. Ainda vem com uma sandália. Não está mais disponível. Agora custa L$600. A MM é com a tag do grupo.

June 27, 2011

Niekra's Dreams - Lucky board

Onyx Assassin: lucky board @ Niekra's Dreams
(shape + outfit + eyes + wings)

June 24, 2011

June 22, 2011

Angel Dessous + Wicked Tattoos

dress: Angel Dessous MSN Hunt - L$1
tattoo: !::Wicked Tattoos::i - Celtic Love - Midnight Mania (group tag)

June 19, 2011

Cupcakes + LoQ HAIRS + Xplosion

skin: *Cupcakes - Kawaii - Sienna - L$50
hair: SBH - 10 - LoQ HAIRS - L$0
dress: *X*plosion SummerGlance Outfit - L$0

Heart Softens Mini Hunt + R2 Fashion

hair + outfit: .+*HS*+. Mini HUNT - L$3
shoes: TOSLH #33-R2 Fashion - L$0

June 17, 2011

hO wEAr - L$25 item hunt

- Silky Sweet Set

- Precious rose

- Party Time Cammie blue

- Gypsy Elegance pink

- Private Dancer

22 items in the store at 25 lindens, until Saturday at 8 pm @ hO wEAr

June 16, 2011

Bio VV - Midnight Mania

MM board (Bio VV group tag) - 341/600

June 14, 2011

hO wEAr + Akeruka + TINA Collection + Wicked Tattoos + Me-I

outfit: H:: Mercy Me blue ::H - L$25 until tomorrow morning @ hO wEAr
skin: AKERUKA Opening Woman Gift - L$1 (group tag)
boots: << TC >> Crazy Shoe resize - group gift @ TINA Collection
tattoo: !::Wicked Tattoos::i - Lotus - Midnight Mania (group tag)
hair: Me-I = Ives (curly) short LB Limited - Me-I lucky board

June 13, 2011

Sil'ly - complete avatar

complete avatar: Sil'ly:: Alystin - lucky board (Sil'ly group tag)

June 12, 2011

*: Lo*momo :* + (Mamboo Chic) = L$0

hair: "+SD Lo*momo+" Canna(Pink) - group gift
skin: (Mamboo Chic): Lindsay_gift - lucky board

June 10, 2011

Cupcakes: skins = L$0

skins: L$0 @ Cupcakes (limited time)

YS&YS + Heart Softens + Nomine + IrEn + Wicked Tattoos

skin: *YS & YS* Megan Beauty Groupgift
hair: .+*HS*+. Hair ::YOKA:: Pure White - gacha - L$35
pants: Nomine Cheap Thrills Jeans - group gift (não dá para acessar o histórico)
top: 36 DDCF HUNT - IrEn - L$0
tattoo: !::Wicked Tattoos::i - Broken Tattoo - Midnight Mania

June 07, 2011

Delirium Style + Nomine + FILTHY

pants: Delirium Style VIP Gift June 1 - group gift
dress: Nomine Zoon Sweater - rose - lucky fortunes
skin: ZombiePopcorn FILTHY Skin - L$0

June 05, 2011

Xplosion (Depraved Summer Nights Hunter) + FILTHY

dress: *X*plosion SweetFlower Dress (beige) - Depraved Summer Nights Hunter - L$0
skin: June - Filthy group gift - F (L$199 fee)

Flax Pye - group gift

FP :: AMSTERDAM :: Exclusive Shoes by Flax Pye :: G001 (group gift)

June 04, 2011

Baiastice + Atomic

outfit: Baiastice_Something for summer - group gift
skin: [ATOMIC] 2011 VIP Gift_3 - group gift

June 02, 2011

Cupcakes + Nomine + R2 + LacieCakes = L$0

skin: *CUPCAKES - Layla - group gift - L$250 fee
outfit: Nomine Delilah Dress - lucky chair
boots: R2 fashion the black butler hunt 24
necklace: ZombiePopcorn Hunt - LACIECAKES #35